March for the National Day of Action for MMIWG2S+
The Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal, in collaboration with the Centre for Gender Advocacy, invites you to the March for the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+).
Date: February 14th, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Cabot Square
Begin at Cabot Square with drummers and speeches
Walk along St. Catherine
Turn on Peel
Conclude at Place du Canada with additional drummers and speeches
Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender-diverse people are 12 times more likely to go missing or be murdered in comparison to non-Indigenous women in Canada. This walk is a vital act of remembrance for our stolen sisters and a call to action for justice, awareness, and change.
Co-Hosted by Branka Bradley and Simone Page, with speakers/performers Elder Kevin Deer, Sacred Wolf Drummers, Marina Zarifis-Johnson, Deseray Rich, Keena King, Irene Qavavauq, Jolie-Ann Brazeau, Shara Francis Horne, and the Pow Wow Rangers.
Stand with us to honor and remember MMIWG2S+ and demand justice.
#MMIWG2S #NWSM #JusticeForMMIWG2S #CentreforGenderAdvocacy
Le Foyer pour femmes Autochtones de Montréal, en collaboration avec le Centre for Gender Advocacy, vous invite à la marche pour la Journée nationale d'action pour les femmes, les filles et les personnes bispirituelles Autochtones disparues et assassinées (MMIWG2S+).
Date : 14 février 2025
Time : 6:00 PM
Location : Cabot Square
Route :
Début au Cabot Square avec tambours et discours
Marcher le long de St. Catherine
Tourner sur Peel
Terminer à la Place du Canada avec d'autres tambours et discours
Au Canada, les femmes, les filles, les personnes bispirituelles et les personnes de genre divers sont 12 fois plus susceptibles de disparaître ou d'être assassinées que les femmes non Autochtones. Cette marche est un acte vital de commémoration pour nos sœurs disparues et un appel à l'action pour la justice, la sensibilisation et le changement.
La liste des orateurs sera annoncée dans les prochains jours.
Soyez à nos côtés pour honorer et commémorer MMIWG2S+ et exiger la justice.

Every Child Matters March
On September 30th, join us for our 4th annual march to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We come together in honour of the children found in mass graves, residential school survivors, and their families. We invite community members, organizations, and students to stand with us and listen to the wisdom of our powerful speakers.
We encourage everyone to wear orange shirts and bring their drums as symbols of solidarity.
Event Details:
Start Time: 1:00 PM
Gathering Location: Monument George-Étienne Cartier (Parc Avenue)
March Route:
-Begin at the Monument George-Étienne Cartier
-Walk south on Parc Avenue to Sherbrooke
-Turn right onto Sherbrooke
-Continue along Sherbrooke until Mansfield
-Turn left onto Mansfield
-Continue south on Mansfield until Boulevard René-Lévesque
-Gather at the former Macdonald Monument at Place du Canada, between Metcalfe and Peel, just south of René-Lévesque
Our Speakers/Performers are:
Kevin Deer
Jeremy Dutcher
Sacred Wolf Drummers
Alex McComber
Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer
Ellen Gabriel
Barbara Diabo
Maya Cousineau-Mollen
Beatrice Deer
As we walk along Milton Street, a place where many homeless people gather, we invite you to bring donations such as food, clothing, socks, or gift cards to share with those in need.
Let’s walk together for truth, reconciliation, and healing.

End-of-Summer Concert
Come celebrate our final Indigenous Friday with an end-of-summer concert in Cabot Square!
Featuring the musical talents of Eadsé, Malorie Yawenda-Picard, and Juurini!
The concert will be from 1:00-4:00 PM in Cabot Square, and is absolutely free for all to attend! Thank you to the City of Montreal for their partnership.
See you there!
Venez célébrer notre dernier vendredi Autochtones avec un concert de fin d'été au Cabot Square !
Avec les talents musicaux de Eadsé, Malorie Yawenda-Picard, et Juurini !
Le concert aura lieu de 13h00 à 16h00 au Square Cabot, et est absolument gratuit pour tous ! Merci à la ville de Montréal pour son partenariat.
Au plaisir de vous y voir !

NWSM Annual General Meeting
Please join us for our AGM. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/foyer-pour-femmes-autochtones-aganative-womens-shelter-agm-tickets-914706189837?aff=oddtdtcreator

Indigenous Fridays
Indigenous Fridays - Summer Event Series
Join us for Indigenous Fridays, a special free summer event series presented by the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal and the City of Montreal!
Our goal is to celebrate and promote Indigenous culture each Friday while bringing the community together for a time of learning, connection, and fun. Free for the public to come participate!
Check out the full list of events here: https://www.facebook.com/NativeWomensShelter
Vendredis Autochtones - Série d'événements estivaux
Joignez-vous à nous pour les vendredis Autochtones, une série d'événements estivaux gratuits présentés par le Foyer pour femmes Autochtones de Montréal et la Ville de Montréal !
Notre objectif est de célébrer et de promouvoir la culture Autochtone tout en rassemblant la communauté pour un moment d'apprentissage, de connexion et de plaisir. La participation du public est gratuite !
La liste complète des événements est disponible à l'adresse suivante : https://www.facebook.com/NativeWomensShelter

National Indigenous People's Day Concert
We're thrilled to officially announce our National Indigenous People’s Day concert set to captivate Cabot Square on Friday, June 21st! This incredible lineup includes:
Aysanabee (2024 Juno winner)
Beatrice Deer Band
Sinquah Family Hoop Dancers
Black Bear Singers
This remarkable event is a collaboration between the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal and POP Montreal, and admission is completely free! There will also be a soap carving workshop, vendors, and more! Please join us in celebrating Indigenous excellence on this special day!
Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer officiellement le concert de la Journée nationale des peuples Autochtones qui aura lieu au Square Cabot le vendredi 21 Juin! Cette incroyable programmation inclut:
Beatrice Deer Band
Sinquah Family Hoop Dancers
Black Bear Singers
Cet événement remarquable est une collaboration du Foyer pour femmes Autochtones de Montréal et POP Montreal. L'entrée est entièrement gratuite! Il y aura également un atelier de sculpture sur pierre à savon, des vendeurs et plus encore ! Joignez-vous à nous pour célébrer l'excellence autochtone en cette journée spéciale!

10th Annual Spirit Walk
We invite you to join us in the spirit of reconciliation with the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM) for the 10th annual Spirit Walk fundraiser. It will be held on June 15, 2024 on Mount Royal (or virtually from June 1-15th). Since 2013, the Spirit Walk has been an important event for both the NWSM and the Montreal community to actively take steps toward supporting and raising essential funds for Indigenous women and children accessing the NWSM’s services.
This year our theme is empowering our youth. The goal of this year’s Spirit Walk is to raise funds for the creation of a Youth Worker position at Cabot Square (near Atwater metro) to connect with Indigenous youth in precarious living situations and support their safety. Many Indigenous youth aging out of the foster care system find themselves living in vulnerable circumstances which can lead them to be targets for human traffickers and other predators. The Youth Worker position is urgently needed to advocate for these Indigenous youth and to connect them with the tools, information and services they need to feel empowered and thrive.
Funds raised this year will also support the NWSM’s annual healing retreat. The healing retreat offers the women and children staying at the Shelter the rare opportunity to leave the city, be close to the land, share their stories, receive teachings and participate in traditional healing ceremonies.
1. Register as a 2024 Spirit Walker by clicking the "REGISTRATION" button on the right of the screen and pay the $20 registration fee (or more). In registering, you will be prompted to create a fundraiser profile. Tell us why you support the Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal.
2. Solicit donations among your network until June 15, 2024.
In person: Walk with us on June 15, 2024 on Mount Royal starting at the Mordecai Richler Gazebo next to Mount Royal (4060 Park ave.).
Virtually: Take an intentional walk or wheel anytime from June 1 to June 15, 2024, and check out the social media posts on the FB event page and our instagram. Take a selfie of your walk and post to Instagram using hashtag #NWSMSpiritWalk and #SpiritWalk2024 and tag @spiritwalkmtl OR send your picture by email to: spirit.walk.nwsm@gmail.
4. You can always make a donation to the general campaign by clicking the "DONATE" button.
12:00 pm - Registration opens near the Mordecai Richler Gazebo next to Mount Royal (4060 Park ave.). Registered in-person participants receive a t-shirt.
1:00 pm - Opening ceremony with remarks from Na’kuset (Executive Director, Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal).
2:00 pm - Walk begins. The walk is approximately 5km. The walk will be a loop and end back at the Mordecai Richler Gazebo where it began.
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm - Musical performance, with the generous support of CKUT, followed by the announcement of total funds raised.
4:30 pm END
For anyone with mobility concerns who would like to participate, please contact us at spirit.walk.nwsm@gmail.com. Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends, family, and pets and come WALK WITH US!
All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.
Registration includes a t-shirt only for those registered (one per registration fee paid) and who physically join us for the in-person event.
Follow us on: Instagram @spiritwalkmtl #NWSMSpiritWalk #SpiritWalk2024 #WalkWithUs
FB: @NativeWomensShelter
Email us at: spirit.walk.nwsm@gmail.com
Find out about the Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal at: www.nwsm.info

Hot Moms and Kings: A Burlesque Fundraiser
Mother’s Day is the special time of year when you get to celebrate your first best friend, and the person you always turn to when you need advice. Mother’s Day is also a great time to show your love for your mom, and for all the other wonderful women in your life.This is also a charity event: 50% of the net income will be donated to The NATIVE WOMEN'S SHELTER OF MONTREAL ( http://www.nwsm.info)Therefore, if you’re looking for a way to show your mother, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, girlfriends, how special you think they are; but in a unique way, this is the show for all of you: HOT MOMS & KINGS BURLESQUE!Tickets price & raffle optionsPre- Sale: 20$ ( before Eventbrite fees)
Regular Price: 25$ ( before Eventbrite fees)
At the door: 30$For every CA10$ per ticket , you'll be entered into the draw for 1 raffle ticket.
For every CA 25$ per ticket, you'll be entered into the draw for 5 raffle tickets
For every CA 30$ ticket, you'll be entered into the draw for 10 raffle tickets.
You can also get two additional raffle options at the venue!
IMPORTANT: NO REFUNDS. This is a charity event!

Beginning: Cabot Square
End: walking on Sainte-Catherine to Place du Canada
Wednesday , October 4th 2023, 6pm join us for the 18th Annual Memorial Vigil for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Trans and Two-Spirit People in Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal). A vigil will be held at Cabot Square followed by a march to Place du Canada
We encourage you to bring your drums and visuals
Traveling Spirit Drums
Sarah Carriere as MC
Elder Delbert Sampson
Stephanie Brazeau
Irene Qavavauq
Angela Ottreyes
Shirley de Wind
Cheryl McDonald
[français ci-dessous]
MARCH FOR MISSING AND MURDERED INDIGENOUS WOMEN, GIRLS, TRANS AND TWO-SPIRIT PEOPLE Wednesday, October 4th 2023, 6:00pm STOP THE VIOLENCE! On October 4th 2023, join us for a Memorial and March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Trans and Two-Spirit People in Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal). Too many Indigenous families have lost their loved ones to colonial violence. Many Indigenous women, girls, trans and Two-Spirit people wonder if they will be next. This can’t go on. In 2019, the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was published (https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/final-report/). Now is the time to take action. To honour the recommendations on how to stop the genocide against Indigenous communities. We refuse to allow the countless hours of testimony and knowledge that thousands of Indigenous people poured into the inquiry go to waste. We have all the information we need. Let’s join to mobilize and honor the lives of those who are no longer with us. It’s an opportunity to learn from activists and elders, and to be inspired to action by the songs and performances of Indigenous artists. This event is organized by the Iskweu Project: (a project of the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal) that aims to reduce and ultimately eradicate the number of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (including trans and Two-Spirit). Montreal. TERRITORIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This event takes place on unceded Indigenous lands.
MARCHE POUR LES FEMMES, LES FILLES, LES TRANS ET LES PERSONNES SPIRIT AUTOCHTONES DISPARUES ET ASSASSINÉES. Mercredi le 4 octobre, 18h00 ARRÊTEZ LA VIOLENCE! Joignez-vous à nous pour un mémorial et une marche pour les femmes, les filles, les personnes trans et 2spirit autochtones disparues et assassinées à Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal). Trop de familles autochtones ont perdu des êtres chers à cause de la violence coloniale. De nombreuses femmes, filles, personnes trans et bispirituelles autochtones se demandent si elles seront les prochaines. Cela ne peut pas continuer. En 2019, le rapport final de l'enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées a été publié (https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/final-report/). Il est maintenant temps d'agir. Honorer les recommandations sur la façon d'arrêter le génocide contre les communautés autochtones. Nous refusons que les innombrables heures de témoignages et de connaissances que des milliers d'Autochtones ont consacrées à l'enquête soient gaspillées. Nous avons toutes les informations dont nous avons besoin. Unissons-nous pour nous mobiliser et honorer la vie de ceux qui ne sont plus avec nous. C'est une occasion d'apprendre davantage des militants et des aînés, et d'être inspiré à prendre de l'action par les chansons et les performances d'artistes autochtones. Cet événement est coorganisé par le Projet Iskweu : (un projet du Foyer pour femmes autochtones de Montréal) qui vise à réduire et ultimement éradiquer le nombre de femmes et de filles autochtones disparues et assassinées (y compris trans et 2spirit). RECONNAISSANCE TERRITORIALE Cet événement se déroule sur des terres autochtones non cédées.

National Gathering on Unmarked Burials: Supporting the Search and Recovery of Missing Children
The identification of unmarked graves and burial sites of Indigenous children at former Indian residential schools has caused us all to reflect on Canada’s history and the truth of this troubling past. On June 8, 2022, Kimberly Murray was appointed as Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools.
The Special Interlocutor will work closely and collaboratively with Indigenous leaders, communities, Survivors, families and experts to identify needed measures and recommend a new federal legal framework to ensure the respectful and culturally appropriate treatment and protection of unmarked graves and burial sites of children at former residential schools.

Indigenous Fridays
Indigenous Fridays are back again this summer at Cabot Square!
Indigenous artists and performers will be hosting workshops and concerts at the square from 1-4pm EVERY Friday starting July 7th-August 18th. All events are FREE and open to the public!
As part of the Cabot Square Project, Indigenous Fridays are a fun and impactful way to engage with our neighbours and establish relationships between communities that hold space for Indigenous cultures and legacies!
Photo Credit: James Saganash
Performers Pictured: Scott Sixkiller Sinquah and Sonny Sinquah
Les vendredis autochtones sont de retour cet été au Cabot Square !
Des artistes et des interprètes autochtones organiseront des ateliers et des concerts sur la place, de 13 h à 16 h, TOUS les vendredis, du 7 juillet au 18 août. Tous les événements sont GRATUITS et ouverts au public !
Dans le cadre du Cabot Square Project, les Indigenous Fridays sont un moyen amusant et efficace de s'engager avec nos voisins et d'établir des relations entre les communautés qui font de la place aux cultures et aux héritages indigènes !
Crédit photo : James Saganash
Artistes photographiés : Scott Sixkiller Sinquah et Sonny Sinquah

National Indigenous Peoples Day - Free Concert
POP Montreal, Nakuset & The Native Women's Shelter of Montreal / Resilience Montreal present:
Buffalo Hats Singers
Scott Sinquah
Cris Derksen
Beatrice Deer
Soapstone carving workshop by Simiuni Nauya
Wednesday June 21, 2023
Cabot Square
doors 2:30 pm | show 3:00 pm
Accessibility: Cabot Square is at ground-level and is stroller-friendly and wheel-chair accessible.

Spirit Walk 2023
We are excited to invite you to once again walk with us in solidarity with the Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal for the 9th annual Spirit Walk on June 10, 2023 on Mount Royal at 1pm. The event will take place rain or shine.
Similar to past years, Spirit Walkers are invited to raise pledges in the weeks leading up to the Spirit Walk and then we will all gather together to walk or wheel on Mount-Royal in support of the Indigenous women and children who access the Shelter.
This year our theme is healing, growth and new life. The money raised will go towards a healing retreat, culturally appropriate workshops meant to empower, heal and offer tools to move forward as well as for Maison Miyoskamin and Saralikitaaq Centre.
Visit our campaign page to register, donate, and for more information.

Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, 6:00pm STOP THE VIOLENCE! On February 14th 2023, join us for a Memorial and March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Trans and Two-Spirit People in Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal). Too many Indigenous families have lost their loved ones to colonial violence. Many Indigenous women, girls, trans and Two-Spirit people wonder if they will be next. This can’t go on. In 2019, the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was published (https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/final-report/). Now is the time to take action. To honour the recommendations on how to stop the genocide against Indigenous communities. We refuse to allow the countless hours of testimony and knowledge that thousands of Indigenous people poured into the inquiry go to waste. We have all the information we need. Let’s join to mobilize and honor the lives of those who are no longer with us. It’s an opportunity to learn from activists and elders, and to be inspired to action by the songs and performances of Indigenous artists. This event is organized by the Iskweu Project: (a project of the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal) that aims to reduce and ultimately eradicate the number of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (including trans and Two-Spirit). Montreal. TERRITORIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This event takes place on unceded Indigenous lands.
Beginning Atwater and Saint-Catherine (next to the old forum)
End: The Baie, Saint-Catherine
The Iskweu Project: Addressing the MMIWG2ST+ Crisis in Montreal with Tanisha Gallichon
The Office of Indigenous Initiatives is hosting Tanisha Gallichon, Project Coordinator of the Montreal-based Iskweu Project, for its 2023 Winter Speakers Series.
Tanisha will present a talk on the Iskweu Project’s work addressing the MMIWG2ST+ crisis in Montreal. The talk will take place at the Strathcona Music Building, Room C-204 (555 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal).
The Iskweu Project, based out of the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal, seeks to provide immediate assistance to families and loved ones in the event that an Indigenous woman or girl (trans, Two-Spirit) goes missing.
Its aim is threefold:
(1) reducing the number of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (trans, Two-Spirit) in Quebec;
(2) offering support and ensuring adequate response from institutions when someone goes missing; and
(3) reducing barriers in accessing support. Read more about the important work taking place at the Iskweu Project here.
To learn more about and register for the talk, please visit the Office of Indigenous Initiatives' website: https://www.mcgill.ca/.../iskweu-project-addressing...
February 14th marks the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Trans and 2-Spirit People (MMIWG2ST+). Join the Iskweu Project at their annual MMIWG2ST+ march in Montreal on February 14th. You can find the Facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/2kjw6Akzt

Rally in Solidarity with Winnipeg
Hundreds of mourners are expected to honour the lives of the Marcedes Myran, Morgan Harris, Rebecca Contois, and Mashkode Bizhiki. It is shameful that the Winnipeg police refuse to search the Prairie Green landfill, where 2 of the women’s bodies are believed to be. We stand in solidarity with the devastated families of the victims and hope that justice, accountability, and action will come swiftly.
“Winnipeg Police Services’ refusal to search the landfill is another way of them saying – we aren’t interested in reconciliation. I have trouble with believing that if these women were white, the landfill search wouldn’t already be wrapping up. That’s why rallies like this are important, this is a MMIWG issue, it’s an Indigenous issue. If they won’t take action, communities will.” -Tanisha Gallichon, Iskweu Coordinator
“We are outraged that the 231 calls to justice have not been implemented and our women are still going missed and are being murdered. When will this change?” -Na’kuset, Executive Director
Speakers to be announced. The Travelling Spirit Drum Group will be present to perform in honour of the fallen sisters.
We encourage you to bring candles, posters, and drums. If you have a red dress to bring and put on display, please bring it!
Ji zoongde’eyaang (To Have a Strong Heart)
One of our incredible board members, Lara Kramer, will be holding a multidisciplinary exhibition of her and her mother, Ida Baptiste's artwork. Make sure not to miss this impactful and beautiful show. We can't wait and we're so proud!

Every Child Matters - Truth and Reconciliation Day 2022
On September 30th, we will be holding our 2nd annual march to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. In honour of the children discovered in mass graves, residential school survivors and their families we invite all community members, organizations, and students to join us and learn from our powerful speakers. We will also hold a moment of silence in honour of those who recently passed away at James Smith Cree Nation, Saskatchewan.
We encourage you to wear an orange shirt and bring your drums.
The confirmed speakers so far are Ellen Gabriel (Katsi'tsakwas), Grand Chief Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer, Chief Jessica Lazare, Ben Geboe, Steve McComber, and Elisapie Isaac.
Here is the route for the September 30th march, that begins at 1:00pm:
Gathering point around the Monument George-Etienne-Cartier.
- Walk south on Parc to Sherbrooke.
- Turn right onto Sherbrooke.
- Continue along Sherbrooke until Metcalfe.
- Turn left onto Metcalfe.
- Continue south on Metcalfe until Boulevard René-Lévesque
- Gather around the former Macdonald Monument at Place du Canada, between Metcalfe and Peel, south of René-Lévesque.
The Native Women's Shelter of Montreal is proud to partner with POP Montreal. The first 50 people to donate a minimum of $20 to Resilience Montreal will receive a free ticket to DJ Shub and Drezus show later that evening at Piccolo Rialto.
The Native Women's Shelter of Montreal Virtual Annual General Meeting
July 18th, 2022 at 6 pm
There is a $5 membership fee